Thursday, 25 May 2023 06:40

Masters Meeting 2023 - Agenda


  • Welcome
  • Apologies
  • Presidents Report
  • Election of Officers
  • Proposed Rule Changes to Masters Event Manual 2023

1. Dates of the Championship

Current Rule:

A 4      Dates of the Championship
4.1       The Championship will be held during the period of Whitsun.
4.2       The Practice Race will be on Whitsunday afternoon in the race area where the racing will take place.
4.3       The first race will be sailed on the Whit Monday
4.4       The last race will be sailed on the Friday following Whitsunday.
4.5       Other dates will only be considered after discussion with the Masters President.

Change to:

4          Dates of the Championship
4.1       The Championship will be held during June on dates agreed between the Finn Masters Committee and the Organising Authority.
4.2       The Practice Race will be on Sunday afternoon in the race area where the racing will take place.
4.3       The first race will be sailed on the Monday.
4.4       The last race will be sailed on the Friday.
4.5       Other dates will only be considered after discussion with the Masters President.

1. To provide flexibility to hold the event on the best dates to provide the best conditions. The weather is changing, and sometimes mid-May is too early for good conditions.
2. To provide consistency in dates so National Associations have more flexibility. The intention would be the second or third week of June, unless there is a good reason for other dates.
3. To move outside Whitsun week can significantly reduce costs, though this is a side issue and not always a factor. For example, this year many flights to Greece are prohibitively expensive (£1000+) instead of £100+ in other weeks simply because it is Whitsun Week.
4. Frequent requests to avoid Whitsun Week holiday for families

2. Entry Fee penalties

Current Rule

D 2.5 Fully completed entry forms and payments should be received no later than four (4) weeks prior to the event. After completing and sending the Entry Form the competitor agrees to pay the Entry Fee as defined in the NoR, however, only after receipt of payment is a competitor’s entry valid. Entries and/or payments received less than four weeks before the first race, will be charged 50% more. Entries and/or payments received after arrival will be charged double the entry fee. No shows without notification will be expected to pay before any entry will be accepted in future years. This rule may be varied in writing by the OA in exceptional circumstances.

Change to

2.5 Fully completed entry forms and payments should be received no later than five (5) weeks prior to the event. After completing and sending the Entry Form the competitor agrees to pay the Entry Fee as defined in the NoR, however, only after receipt of payment is a competitor’s entry valid. Entries and/or payments received less than five weeks before the first race, will be charged a late penalty of €100. The OA may close entry one week prior to the regatta, but entries and/or payments received and accepted after this date will be charged a late penalty of €150. No shows without notification will be expected to pay the full entry fee before any entry will be accepted in future years. Late payments are at the discretion by the OA.


1. 50% and double entry fees were the policy when we paid €150 entry fee. Double entry then was €300. Those days are long gone but €700 is considered too high to encourage late arrivals.
2. Change from four to five weeks. This reflects current practice and gives the OA more breathing space when ordering supplies and shirts etc

3. Bidding period for events

Current Rule:

H 1. Nominations for a venue
1.1 Nominations for a venue shall be sent to the Master’s President prior to February 1st two years before the desired year of the Championship. 

1.5 Normally venue nominations can only be accepted two years in advance, but in special circumstances, a venue can be voted on three years in advance. However, the venue proposal can only be heard, and voted on, if there is a majority in favour of this at the meeting.

Change to:

1 Nominations for a venue
1.1 Nominations for a venue shall be sent to the Master’s President prior to February 1st up to three years before the desired year of the Championship. 

1.5 Normally venue nominations can only be accepted three years in advance, but in special circumstances, a venue can be voted on further in advance. However, the venue proposal can only be heard, and voted on, on approval of the Masters Committee and if there is a majority in favour of this at the meeting.

1. Allows organisers a longer lead time 
2. Provides national associations with more notice of the international programme
3. Allows longer term planning of international calendar alongside Open events (FGC, EC etc)

  • Proposal from Bob Buchanan (AUS6) that Super Legends be exempt from paying entry fees at World Masters (including Europeans) events.
  • Accounts/Budget
    Income received €13,571
    Expenditure €15,172
    Net loss of €1,601
    Loss caused mainly through Magazine shortfall and less entry fees than forecast (181 instead of 250). Some capital expenditure to last next 4-5 years
    However, IFA income now increased to £5,000
  • Website and Magazine 
  • Presentation Brisbane - Finn World Masters 2026
  • AOB Received prior to meeting.
  • Next venue update. Puntala
  • Date and place next meeting. During FWM, Puntala, 2023.

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